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  • Hamer, C.R. The New Future for Framework Agreements, Public Procurement Law Review, 4, 31
  • Nielsen, R. H., Hamer, C. R. , & Løjmand, H. S. Når konkurrencen om offentlige kontrakter tager en forkert drejning, Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen. U.2022B.151.
  • Hamer, C. R. The possibility to exclude an economic operator that cannot be trusted, European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Review, no. 1, 2020.
  • Hamer, C. R. Remedies for breaches of the public procurement rules in Denmark – Is the Danish enforcement system effective? Upphandlingsrättslig Tidskrift, no. 2, 2020.
  • Hamer, C. R. & Nielsen, R. H.Kan man stole på udbudslovens lovbemærkninger? Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen. U.2020. B. 114.
  • Hamer, C. R. (2019). Transparency and access to information in public procurement procedures in Denmark. In Sanchez-Graells, A., Halonen, K.M & Caranta, R. (Eds.), Transparency in procurement (EPLS vol 9), Edward Elgar, pp. 106-128
  • Hamer, C. R. (2018). Bør det offentlige anvende koncessioner? Reglerne for udbud af koncessioner,
  • Erhvervsjuridisk Tidsskrift (2), pp. 94-101.
  • Hamer, C. R. (2016). Requesting additional information – increase of flexibility and competition? In Skovgaard Ølykke, G., & Sanchez-Graells , A. (Eds.), Reformation or deformation of the EU Public Procurement Rules, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 235-252
  • Hamer, C.R. (2016). The concept of a ‘public contract’ within the meaning of the Public Procurement Directive, Upphandlingsrättslig Tidskrift, no. 3, pp. 179-200.
  • Hamer, C. R. (2015). Kravet om “klar grænseoverskridende interesse” i udbudssager: er kravet egentlig klart? Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen (9), pp. 200-206, art. no. U.2015B.200.
  • Hamer, C. R. (2014). Nyt udbudsdirektiv – væsentlige ændringer. Erhvervsjuridisk Tidsskrift (2), pp. 145-157, art. no. ET.2014.145.
  • Hamer, C. R. (2014). Regular purchases and aggregated procurement: the changes in the new Public Procurement Directive regarding framework agreements, dynamic purchasing systems and central purchasing bodies. Public Procurement Law Review 4, pp. 201-210.
  • Hamer, C. R. (2011). Pligt til at annoncering af offentlige kontrakter: Uden effektiv håndhævelse af reglerne? Ugeskrift for Retsvaesen (145), pp. 101-106, art. no. U.2011B.101.