

Udbudslov.dk is a website in Danish about public procurement law.

The EU public procurement rules in English:

The Public Procurement Directive, Directive 2014/24/EU
The Utilities Directive, Directive 2014/25/EU
The Concession Directive, Directive 2014/23/EU

The Danish procurement Act, udbudsloven; the-public-procurement-act (2016-version).

The documents from the negotiations of the 2014 Procurement Directives from the Commission, Council and Parliament can be found on the website. These are all in English, see e.g. here.

Carina Risvig Hamer, is professor in administrative law and public procurement law at the University of Copenhagen. She holds a PhD in public procurement law from Copenhagen Business School from 2012. The topic of her Thesis was “Public contracts, not covered, or not fully covered, by the Public Sector Directive” DJØF Publishing 2012.

The Thesis is available – open access here: Contracts not covered, or not fully covered, by the Public Sector Directive.

She has previously worked at the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority for several years (2006-2013), where her tasks has included drafting procurement legislation (including the Danish implementation of the remedies Directive), giving guidance on public procurement law, handling informal complaints of breaches of the procurement rules and taking part in the negotiations of the new Procurement Directives. She was part of the Danish Presidency team during the negotiations of the new Public Procurement Directives spring 2012.

Selected publications

In 2017 she was named “Talent 100” by the Danish newspaper, Berlingske Business, who every year name the 100 biggest talents under the age of 35 in the Danish business community.

Current research 

Carina is currently the research manager of a two research projects:

The CPB-project – a research project on central purchasing bodies called “Safeguarding competition and equal access to Central Purchasing Bodies’ agreements”. The project has received a four year funding of 9,4 mill DKK from the Independent Research Fund Denmark  (Sapere Aude) and (Inge Lehmann).

The PROCUREGREEN project – a research project on public procurement and climate change. The project has received funding from Independent Research Fund Denmark.

The PROCUREGREEN research project will provide a unique and unprecedented insight into how green approaches are used in the various parts of the procurement procedures in Denmark with the aim of making public procurement an important element for green transition and a more sustainable economy.